Monday, January 19, 2015

Church News for Sunday January 25, 2015

Sunday Sermon Title:

"Grace & Peace"

Note from the Pastor:

What are most people looking for in this world? I believe we are all searching for grace and peace. The big question is, "How do we find it?" On the other side of the coin, we could probably write a long list of things that disrupts our grace and peace. We cannot change or stop everything from coming at us in life. But, we can change how we receive and deal with those situations. The Bible gives us lots of instruction and knowledge about how and who will help us change to be able to deal with the normal things that happen in life. There seems to be a movement to put Christ and His church on the back burner in society. Why do some people want to get rid of Jesus? If Jesus and His power is not real, why do atheists care if we pray to him? Why is The Name of Jesus so offensive? Jesus is the God of Peace & Grace! We invite to come and be a part of our fellowship of believers in Jesus Christ! We pray peace and grace over this community!

God Bless,

Pastor Jon

Pastor Jon & Theresa Rhinehart 
Praise Chapel PCG
P.O. Box 254
500 W. Broadway St.
(419) 408-HOPE (4673) Prayer & Info Line

Service Times: 

9:30 am Sunday School (Discipleship Class) by Pastor Jon 
(Adult & Children classes)

10:30 am Sunday Worship Service (Adult & Children services)

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