Saturday, August 19, 2017

Testimony: Pregnant after 16 Years!!!!!

This is an awesome testimony from a revival that I preached in Marion, Ohio in February of 2017. I was at The Lighthouse of Prayer PCG church preaching for Brother and Sister Combs. 

During the service God was giving me words of knowledge for the congregation. I had gotten a word that God was going to open the womb of someone that was not able to have children. Tracey had spoken up that she felt that the word was for her daughter and son-in-law. They had been trying to have a baby for 16 years! God gave me boldness to have her call her daughter on a cell phone, so I could pray for her. (They were on vacation. Lol) They definitely did not expect that phone call, but they were very receptive of the prayer and word from God!

I received the following email from Tracey:

God is great
After 16 yrs
My daughter is pregnant
You spoke the word feb 3
June 3 I got the news
Its a girl ! 
Praise to Jesus

To God be the glory thank you pastor

Tracey layne 

The Lewis family with Lil baby Darlene Lewis! Proud parents after 16 YEARS!!!!!

God is good!