Monday, November 30, 2015

Church News for Sunday December 6, 2015 - Sermon: “Professing To Be Somebody”

Pastor Jon Rhinehart

Sunday Sermon

“Professing To Be Somebody”

Note from the Pastor:

We can all talk a good game about how we are good at this and good at that or how it used to be in our “Glory Days”. But, when it comes down to it, our actions will tell the true story. 
When I am out and about talking to people about God and their relationship with Him, practically everyone you talk to considers themselves to be a Christian. The problem is that their actions and speech denies what they confess with their mouth. I will often hear that they have their own beliefs and that I am judging them, etc. If a person confesses to be a Christian, and can’t get a sentence out without a cuss word or using God’s name in vain, it is apparent that they are not living the life that they confess  to be leading. The Bible states that we will know a tree by its fruit. So if you bought an apple tree and all it did was produce oranges, would you still think it was and apple tree? 
I will be preaching on how Christians should be producing good fruit and not bad. Don’t be deceived by the enemy of your soul, you need to be in a strong relationship with God. Through the power of God, you can change your actions to match up with what you confess. The day is coming when we all will stand before Christ and He will know what kind of fruit we are producing, good or bad. 

Come and let the Word of God inspect your fruit!

God Bless,

Pastor Jon

Pastors Jon & Theresa Rhinehart 
Praise Chapel PCG
P.O. Box 254
500 W. Broadway St.
N. Baltimore, Ohio 45872
(419) 408-HOPE (4673) 

“Proclaiming and Demonstrating the Love of Jesus”

Service Times: 

Sunday Worship Service ~ 10:30 am

Thursday Bible Study ~ 6:30 pm

Church Office Hours:

Monday - Thursdays ~ 10:00am to 3pm

Panera Bread Day 

Every Wednesday  ~ 12:00pm to 3pm

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Church News for November 29, 2015

Pastor Jon Rhinehart

Sunday Sermon

“Hearts & Minds”

Note from the Pastor:

There is a constant battle for the hearts and minds of people. This concept is occasionally used from time to time in the resolution of a war. It can also be used in a business when dealing with employees, customers, contractors, vendors, etc. The opposite tactic is the use of brute force to accomplish what is needed to be done. 
If we can get people to agree on something to the point of even their heart getting involved, we can make some awesome things happen if everyone is passionate about a needed change. On the other hand, if people have their hearts and minds set against something, you better be prepared for a long battle or maybe even forget about anything changing. 
On the spiritual side of this concept, there is another battle raging in the hearts and minds of people. This battle has been going on for a very long time. Both sides of the battle are very passionate about what they believe or don't believe about God. 
What we think, is the first step towards what we believe and ultimately what controls our actions and destiny. Christians are being attacked for what they believe is nothing new. Also, the way to guard your heart and mind is the same as it has always been. Join us this Sunday to find out how to be protected against these attacks against our hearts and minds! 

Hope to see you this Sunday!

Pastor Jon

Pastors Jon & Theresa Rhinehart 
Praise Chapel PCG
P.O. Box 254
500 W. Broadway St.
N. Baltimore, Ohio 45872
(419) 408-HOPE (4673) 

“Proclaiming and Demonstrating the Love of Jesus”

Service Times: 

Sunday Worship Service ~ 10:30 am

Thursday Bible Study ~ 6:30 pm

Church Office Hours:

Monday - Thursdays ~ 10:00am to 3pm

Panera Bread Day 

Every Wednesday  ~ 12:00pm to 3pm

Monday, November 16, 2015

Church News for Sunday, November 22, 2015

Sunday Sermon

Thanksgiving & Prayer

Note from the Pastor:

President George Washington, proclaimed in 1789, the first nationwide celebration of Thanksgiving as a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favours of Almighty God. 
So to follow in the traditions of our great country, I ask you to acknowledge and be thankful to God for all the things that He has done for the United States of America! We need to return to God and be thankful as a nation. We need to return God to the proper place in our lives again! 
Let us not be fooled into believing the lie that we are not a Christian nation birthed by an Almighty God! Be thankful this week and every week that you have been given the privilege to live in the U.S.A! Too much blood has been spilled for our freedom for us to let freedom turn into chaos! Jesus Christ spilled His blood for all of us! President Washington was not ashamed to proclaim what he believed while in office or in his personal life. I ask you to follow that same path and proclaim that you are thankful that God has given us every good thing that we have as a nation and in our personal lives! 
Pray with your family at your Thanksgiving table and give thanks to an Almighty God that loves you more than you could ever imagine! Happy Thanksgiving! Amen!

Hope to see you this Sunday!

Pastors Jon

Pastors Jon & Theresa Rhinehart 
Praise Chapel PCG
P.O. Box 254
500 W. Broadway St.
N. Baltimore, Ohio 45872
(419) 408-HOPE (4673) 

“Proclaiming and Demonstrating the Love of Jesus”

Service Times: 

Sunday Worship Service ~ 10:30 am

Thursday Bible Study ~ 6:30 pm

New Church Office Hours:

Monday - Thursdays ~ 10:00am to 3pm

Panera Bread Day 

Every Wednesday  ~ 12:00pm to 3pm

Monday, November 9, 2015

Church News for Sunday, November 15, 2015

Sunday Sermon

Are You Content?

Note from the Pastor:

Are you in a peaceful happiness that will keep you grounded no matter what is going on around you? You might say that is impossible. I admit that I haven't fully arrived at that level of contentment, but I have left on the journey! I can let circumstances dictate my mood, but through focusing on Jesus and thinking like He thought, I believe it is possible to be more content than we could ever imagine!

There is a lot of things in the Bible that we think is impossible. God says that all things are possible with Him. If the Bible says that we can be something or that we can do something, shouldn’t we believe it? The Bible says that we can go to heaven, if we repent of our sins and accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior! Is that possible? If it is, which I believe it is, then why can’t the rest of the Bible be true concerning what is possible in our lives? 

The Word says that the Truth shall set you free. The prerequisite for that to be true is that you have to know and believe the Truth, for it to set you free! Amen!

Come to Praise Chapel and find out what God says is true and possible in your life! Let us pursue being content by the power and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Hope to see you this Sunday!

Pastors Jon

Pastors Jon & Theresa Rhinehart 
Praise Chapel PCG
P.O. Box 254
500 W. Broadway St.
N. Baltimore, Ohio 45872
(419) 408-HOPE (4673) 

“Proclaiming and Demonstrating the Love of Jesus”

Service Times: 

Sunday Worship Service ~ 10:30 am

Thursday Bible Study ~ 6:30 pm

New Church Office Hours:

Monday - Thursdays ~ 10:00am to 3pm

Panera Bread Day 

Every Wednesday  ~ 12:00pm to 3pm

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Special Service Sunday with Rev. Phillip Walker!!!

Rev. Phillip Walker

Come and join us this Sunday night November 8, 2015 @ 6:30pm!

We are having a special service with Rev. Phillip Walker from "Only Believe Ministries". I am excited to have my new friend in for a special night of ministry! 

Rev. Phillip Walker and I met during a prayer and fasting meeting, several months ago, and have had the blessing of sharing testimonies, encouraging each other in the Lord, and starting a great friendship! 

You will not want to miss this exciting and energetic time in the Word of God! The relationship that this man of God has with Jesus Christ is motivating and inspirational!

Looking forward to seeing you here at Praise Chapel!

419-408-HOPE for info!

God Bless,

Pastor Jon

Praise Chapel PCG
500 W. Broadway St.
N. Baltimore, Ohio 45872